
Showing posts from September, 2011

Melanie Iglesias Magazine’s


melanie iglesias


Top Tracks by Avril Lavigne


Leisha Hailey

Born : July 11, 1971 Okinawa, Japan Occupation : Actress, musician Years active : 1991–

Camila Grey & Leisha Hailey

Today I photographed Uh Huh Her, an uber-talented indie electro-pop duo from Los Angeles. For those of you unfamiliar, you may recognize Leisha as Alice Pieszecki of the Showtime series, The L Word. Before seeing the pair play in the downtown MTV studio following a LOGO interview and a brief photo session by yours truly, I had another short-lived celebrity sighting... Nina Garcia of Project Runway! ("don't upset Nina!") What a fun day!

Lovin' the Leisha

Hi y'all, Anne here. I won't lie; I was moving slower this morning. Actually, so was everybody. Even the spikes on the young dykes' fauxhawks were drooping. Before I packed up my bags over at the Wyndham, I had to take a couple minutes and go dip in the pool. The deck chairs were already full of scenery. I left my towel on a patch of concrete near a gaggle of deck chairs occupied by some laid-back ladies. Hearing their conversation, I realized the redhead in the middle was visiting from Ireland. "Having a good time?" I asked? "Terrible," she replied—gesturing with a big grin to the sun overhead and the flesh all around. "Dreadful weather and nothin' to see!" I couldn't linger, though.  I got a hot text message from my Undercover Buddy over at the Doral L Word Pool Party. "Alice just got here—signing Tshirts!" All right, then, The Advocate's on the way!   Leisha Hailey is the ...

