Lovin' the Leisha
Hi y'all, Anne here. I won't lie; I was moving slower this morning. Actually, so was everybody. Even the spikes on the young dykes' fauxhawks were drooping. Before I packed up my bags over at the Wyndham, I had to take a couple minutes and go dip in the pool. The deck chairs were already full of scenery. I left my towel on a patch of concrete near a gaggle of deck chairs occupied by some laid-back ladies. Hearing their conversation, I realized the redhead in the middle was visiting from Ireland. "Having a good time?" I asked? "Terrible," she replied—gesturing with a big grin to the sun overhead and the flesh all around. "Dreadful weather and nothin' to see!"
I couldn't linger, though. I got a hot text message from my Undercover Buddy over at the Doral L Word Pool Party. "Alice just got here—signing Tshirts!"
All right, then, The Advocate's on the way!
Leisha Hailey is the BEST. I'm telling you. I first met Leisha before she was the big cheese that she is today. And, while we all know so much more about how gifted she is, Leisha has in no way turned into that horrid-attitude-trainwreck of a human being that celebrity practically dares you to become. Leisha's outstanding work on The L Word has earned her a reputation as our new Lucille Ball—an actress so natural and so buoyant that we always believe she's actually in the predicament she's acting—and so lovable that we want to hug her till it's all better.
Leisha and Lucy share this in common, too: Like Lucy, Leisha is a businesswoman with an eye on the future. Where Lucy built Desilu, the TV production powerhouse, Leisha founded Marfa Records, where she's giving super musicians the chance to be heard.
But there's also a huge difference between our two L girls. Lucy, as we know, couldn't sing a lick. But our Leisha is just a good a musician as she is an actor. Leisha's first band was The Murmurs, then came Gush. And NOW…DRUM ROLL!…Leisha's got a brand new band. The name: Uh Huh Her! (The exclamation mark is mine.)
All of which brings y'all up to date: When I hit the Doral Pool Party, there's lovely Leisha, signing "Uh Huh Her" T Shirts. I asked her to autograph one for her Advocate fans (we'll be giving it away soon; watch for the
They say "follow your bliss…"
And Leisha is a major bliss-magnet.
Meet Uh Huh Her Bandmate Camila Grey (left), blissed-out Anne, and lovely Leisha. I can't wait to hear their music. And the minute I do, you'll read about it in The Advocate.